Cannibals are funny,witty people who've been ostracized quite simply because they love people so much they have to eat them,but how do you spot them? Well although it's tricky,sometimes very tricky it's not impossible.Ok,so it's not going to be like in the arachnid world were you just wait for mating to finish then observe as the female tucks in to her ex lover.No,you're going to need to be a little more observant to catch the human cannibal
Well,single female cannibals are the easiest to spot, especially if they're very attractive.One of the first tell tale cannibal signs is where you spot an attractive woman talking in a bar to an ugly single man.You see to cannibals sexual appearance and attractiveness counts for nothing,to a single female cannibal every single man be they ugly or handsome is an edible bachelor!
Ok,so that's the single female cannibal noted but what about married cannibals? A good place to look for married,and single cannibals for that matter is the airport,especially where holidaymakers are returning from holidays.A person returning from holiday with a healthy tan but missing a limb is quite possibly a cannibal returning from a self catering holiday!
One final tell tale sign that somebody is a cannibal can be observed at a circus.If the clowns are making you laugh but the person sitting next to you is booing them,move away quickly.It's a well known fact that cannibals hate clowns possibly because they taste funny!

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