If you're a man and can't be arsed with starting a diet in 2010 maybe these are the answer from Marks and Spencer

Marks & Spencer are launching a range called Bodymax, which will help men to hide their bulges and show off a slimmer silhouette.
Its first ever range of shapewear for males is designed to flatten and shape the torso using shaped seams and a hidden support panel.
M & S said trials conducted on the range reported a reduction in waist measurements of up to 1.5in.
Made from fine stretch cotton, the range comprises a vest and T shirt style and is available in black or white, a Marks and Spencer spokesman said.
Priced at £12 for the vest and £15 for the T shirt, the range will be available in 70M and S stores for fat men, nationwide and online from January 7.
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However,what should the fat man in your life wear over his fat belly in 2010, if he's choosing not to diet? How about these funny fat joke T shirts from Zazzle which not only promote the need for fatties to diet in 2010,but also the fact that if you don't diet in 2010 you may die before the skinny bloke you're trekking with!
Oh,whilst we're on the subject of dieting in 2010,don't forget your fat dog or fat wife could also benefit from shedding a few pounds with a diet in 2010!

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